Teens who have completed 6th grade through high school can volunteer at the library to be involved in the community and earn service hours. Parent/guardian permission is required. We offer different teen volunteer opportunities during the school year and during the summer.
The Teen Service Council is designed for teens who are looking to earn community service hours or gain volunteer experience for a job or college application. Teens can drop in to our monthly meetings, which will alternate between the Main and Northside Libraries each month, where you’ll eat snacks and learn more about the volunteer opportunities the library has to offer. There will also be a youth library event immediately following each Teen Service Council meeting. Interested teens are welcome to stay for the program and earn volunteer hours. After you’ve been to a meeting, you will be given information on how to sign up for other times to volunteer during the month. Check out our events calendar to find the next meeting time, or contact for more information.
We love our VolunTeens at CRCPL! VolunTeens help Bookworm participants with their summer reading logs, and help with programs at all 8 of our library locations.