The Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library (CRCPL) is a County District Library governed by a Board of Trustees (hereafter referred to as the Board) which consists of seven members, three appointed by the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for Ross County and four appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of the county, each for a term of seven years.
According to Ohio Revised Code, legal responsibility for the library is vested in the Board. The Board is the policy-forming body and its responsibilities include selection and hiring of the Executive Director; appointment of the Chief Fiscal Officer; promotion of library interests, securing of funds adequate for a progressive, expanding program; and control of library funds, property and equipment. Subject to existing statutes and ordinances, it has power to determine the rules and regulations governing the library.
The Executive Director is employed by the Board as administrator and executive of the library system. Within the limits of policies established by the Board, or to be established, and within the legal limits, the Executive Director is responsible for the efficient functioning of the library, without interference from individual Board members, or infringement by the Board on administrative functions. The Executive Director shall report monthly to the Board and make recommendations for actions or policies, or changes in either, which the Executive Director deems necessary.
The Chief Fiscal Officer is hired or appointed by, and responsible to the Board of Trustees, according to Ohio Revised Code 3375.32.
The Human Resources Manager is hired by and reports directly to the Executive Director. The HR Manager is responsible for recruitment & on-boarding, benefits management, and administrative policy review and application.
In the absence of the Executive Director, the Access/Enrichment Directors and Chief Fiscal Officer shall have the authority to apply discretionary judgments in interpreting Board policy with regard to special or emergency situations. The Human Resources Manager shall have the authority to apply discretionary judgments in regards to administrative policy. In the event that the Executive Director, Chief Fiscal Officer or HR Manager are not available, the senior manager on duty, in consultation with other senior staff members, shall have discretionary authority to interpret policy and assume administrative duties for the system until such time as the Board or its officers, acting as an executive committee, shall take such action as it deems necessary or appropriate.