Join us for the official dedication of our newest meeting room in honor of the Culp Family.
In June 1985, the Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library accepted a bequest from former Library Trustee Fred Culp in honor of his late wife, Doris T. Culp. The bequest specifically supports the activities of the Outreach Department, then called Special Services. Over the past 39 years, the fund has brought in thousands of dollars for library activities. To honor that ongoing gift, the library has decided to name a new meeting room after the Culp family.
Fred and Doris's daughter, Sally Shore, will be in attendance.
You can do it all at the Main Library. The Main Library features a robust collection on three floors, several meeting rooms for public reservation, library and community-sponsored programs for all ages, a computer and reference lab, children's room, genealogy and local history room, our Book-a-Bike program and more!