Joy Jar & Above and Beyond
Enrichment Check-in - Erin
Safety Minute - Kelly
The View from Access - Jenn
Board Updates - James
Strategic Focus: Programs and Lifelong Learning (page 6)
Total Compsenation Statements--Kelly
Sustainability and Washing/drying Machines
8 a.m. Annex Room A or via Teams
8:05 a.m.--Joy Jar & Above and Beyond
8:10 a.m.--Wellness Reflection - Cassie
8:15 a.m.--Enrichment Check-in - Erin
8:20 a.m.--Safety Minute - Kelly
8:25 a.m.--The View from Access - Jenn
8:30 a.m.--Board Updates - James
8:35 a.m.--Strategic Focus: Communications Agreement - Heather (with Erica and Trey)
8 a.m. Annex Room A--in person only
or via Teams
Wes Campbell, Anthem Insurance Updates
8 a.m. Annex Room A--in person only
Voluntary, of course.
For the White Elephant bring a wrapped homemade gift, a re-gifted gift, or something purchased for less than $5.
For the Carry In/Potluck, bring your favorite dish to share. The library will provide beverages, cups, utensils, etc.
Also, we'll do the annual Ugly Sweater Contest with three chances to win (pick your category):
What Child Is This? Reveal -- Jenn C.
8 a.m. Annex Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar)
World Heritage Training with Vistor's Bureau
>>> December 19 White Elephant Holiday Party!
October 14
We'll be joined by the staff from Jackson City Library for the speakers and lunch. During CRCPL-specific sessions, they'll hold their own In Service Day meeting.
7:45 am, Room B1: Everyone—Refreshments
8 am, Room B2: Everyone: Welcome and introductions—Roger and James
Agenda review—Erin
8:15 am: CRCPL Staff—Strategic Plan review, room B2
JCL Staff—Culp Trustee Room
9:30 am: Break
10 am, Room B2: Everyone—Katie Kurtz (
“Words Matter: Reducing Stigma through Our Language”
Noon, Room A: Everyone—Lunch from Bell Farms
1 pm: CRCPL Staff—Board meeting, room B2
Joy Jar
Above and Beyond
Wellness Winners
Door Prizes
Service Awards
JCL Staff—Culp Trustee Room
2 pm, Room B2: Everyone—Lori Graves, Communication through Humor—workshop
3 pm: Break
3:15, Room B2: Everyone—Workshop Storytelling: Jokes, Anecdotes, Awkward Silences
4 pm: Everyone—Open Floor
Closing remarks
8 a.m. Annex Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar)
8 a.m. Annex Room A -- IN PERSON ONLY!
All Staff Photo! Dress for success!
8 a.m. Annex Room A or
via Zoom (
Reminder about next month's mandatory in-person All Staff meeting AND photo day!
8 a.m. Annex Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar)
8 a.m. Annex Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar)
with special guest host, Erin!
8 a.m. Annex Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar)
8 a.m. Annex Room A or via Teams (check you Outlook calendar)
8 a.m. Annex Room A or via Teams (check you Outlook calendar)
8 a.m. Annex Room A or via Teams (check you Outlook calendar)
8 a.m. Annex Room A
Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar for the link)
at the annual In-Service Day
8 a.m.—Introductions and announcements
8:15 a.m.— New timecard software with Jenn S. and Cassie
9:30 a.m.—New WorkFlows logins with Jenn S.
9:45 a.m.—break
10 a.m.—Mickey Hart, Executive Director, UCM Center, Athens
Unconscious Bias and Stereotypes
1:15 p.m.—Strategic Plan Planning with Alden Library’s Dr. Kathy Mahuews and Ryan Spellman
Authors of Creating a Staff-Led Strategic Plan
2:45 p.m.—break
3:00 p.m.—Open floor
3:50—Clean up and dismissal
Quick Discussion topics and filler:
(no August All Staff)
Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar for the link)
>>>October 9: Mandatory In-Service Day, 8 to 4. Lunch provided.
Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar for the link)
Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar for the link)
Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar for the link)
Room A or via Teams (check your Outlook calendar for the link)
Mindy's Farewell
Next month: Picture Day! Courtney will be taking headshots for anyone who wants one. Update you staff bio pic. Add it to your Linkedin profile. Dress for success! (Completely voluntary, of course.)
Room A or via Teams
with refreshements provided by the library
Room A or via Teams
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
No All-Staff meeting October 14!
7:45 a.m. Coffee, refreshments, etc.
8 a.m. Call to order
8:15 a.m. Intellectual Freedom with Dr. Rick Rubin
9:30 a.m. Break and first round of door prizes
10 a.m. Active Shooter Training – Deputy Dave Weber, Ross County Sheriff’s Dept.
11 a.m. Board meeting and service awards
12 p.m. Lunch
1 p.m. Cyber security—IT Dept.
2 p.m. Break and last of the door prizes
2:15 p.m. Communico/Website—Jenn, Courtney
3 p.m. Safety training
4 p.m. Clean Up / End day