A credit card account has been established to meet the needs of your department for incidental purchases. Upon receipt of proper documentation and itemized receipt, credit card expenditures will be paid through the Fiscal Officer’s office.
A credit card does not replace requisitions and purchase orders.
Conditions of Use. Expenses may be incurred with the credit card only if all of the following conditions are met:
Safekeeping. You are responsible for the safekeeping of the credit card. You shall not permit anyone else to use the credit card or disclose to anyone (other than the vendor/merchant in connection with a purchase) the card account number, CVV, or other pertinent account information. You shall promptly return the credit card to the office of the Fiscal Officer once the purchases for which it was checked out have been made.
Unauthorized Use. If you become aware of any unauthorized or fraudulent use of the credit card, or if the credit card is lost or stolen, you must immediately report same to the Fiscal Officer.
No Right to Credit Card. The credit card is issued to you on a temporary basis, and remains the sole property of the financial institution from which it was issued. The right to use the credit card may be revoked at any time without notice by the issuing financial institution or by the Library’s Fiscal Officer or Director.
Personal Responsibility. You are personally responsible for any unauthorized credit card expenditures and expenditures made in violation of applicable Library policy.
Policy. In addition to the terms set out herein, use of the credit card is subject to the Library’s Credit Card Policy (Administrative Policy 1.3: Procurement – Credit Cards).